10 Habits That Will Get You Thrown Out Of Disney Parks

The happiest place on earth is Walt Disney World’s nickname for a reason. Everything is supposed to be magical and an escape from your everyday life routine. It’s unfortunate though, that there are some circumstances that guests attempt to pull off and end up getting in trouble for it instead. If you ever have an idea that may go wrong, think twice about what may get you revoked from Disney World. Here are ten things that will get you thrown out of the parks.

10. Feeding The Animals

Disney World is home to millions of animals. Many of these animals are housed in Animal Kingdom, where guests can come close to wild animals that they wouldn’t usually see in everyday life. Guests are told not to feed any of these animals due to dietary restrictions that many of these animals have. Any guests caught trying to feed animals with regular ‘human’ food will be asked to leave. We don’t want to harm any of these precious creatures, and by feeding them food that they aren’t accustomed to, they can become very ill.

9. Carrying A Weapon

This seems like an obvious reason, but there are still times where guests try to sneak in weapons whether it’s for their protection or other matters. There are new metal detectors that are being used for guests (randomly) and I wouldn’t be surprised if they become a must-do for all guests to go through in the future. Safety may be a concern nowadays with all that is going on in the world, but no matter how much you believe in carrying a weapon, it is not allowed in the parks. Not only will you be kicked out, you will also get arrested, and no one wants that to happen at the happiest place on earth!

8. Portraying Yourself As A Character

There are very strict guidelines with dress codes for cosplays at Disney World. You may wear themed shirts, makeup, jewelry, or accessories to represent your favorite characters, but you may not dress up exactly like them and proceed to sign autographs and take pictures with guests. This is taken very seriously and you may get kicked out before even entering the park, depending on your wardrobe. Speaking of wardrobe, there are now strict guidelines as to what you are allowed to wear to the parks as well. For example, wearing a robe is now prohibited, so this is something you want to think about before trying to get into the parks.

7. Skipping The Line

The one thing you can almost always count on when visiting Disney World is having to wait in long lines. No one likes it, but hey, its part of the price you pay for checking out the happiest place on earth. No matter how hard you try, it’s almost inevitable that you will wait in at least one large line for a ride or attraction. Nothing makes guests angrier than people trying to skip the lines. Instead of coming up with a scheme to skip the line, remember that others may have waited a very long time to enjoy a ride or attraction and it is just downright wrong to try to bypass them. Depending on the severity and escalation of the problem, guests can be kicked out immediately for this behavior.

6. Smoking in Undesignated Areas

There are designated smoking areas in all Disney World resorts and theme parks for many reasons. These areas allow smokers to fulfill their cravings and it also respects those who have health conditions that can be heightened by smoke as well as for those who just don’t care to smell it. There are also many safety hazards with smokers who decide to light up in certain areas. Smoking in other areas is yet another way to get kicked out of the park. You may have to walk further to get to your designated spot, but it’s better than having to walk out of the exit of the park.

5. Indecent Exposure

No one wants to see exposure of certain body parts. I know it is hot (most of the time) and you may want to wear shorter shorts or tops, but the truth of the matter is that Walt Disney World is meant to be a family friendly place for adults and children to enjoy a vacation. It is not acceptable to show too much skin or private parts. Yes, private parts. This sort of behavior will not be tolerated, and you can guarantee you will get kicked out.

4. Sneaking Into Unauthorized Areas

There are many reasons as to why some areas are unauthorized and not meant for guests to explore. It can be a huge liability for a guest to injure themselves in a restricted area due to construction or other equipment being present. Sneaking in closed off areas is a huge no-no and can not only lead to you being removed from the parks and resorts, but it can be a major safety concern if you fall or injure yourself.

3. Going For A Swim

Pools are meant for swimming in, but did you know that every now and then there are guests who want to take a dip in the strangest of places? Fountains, moats, and even the giant lake in the world showcase at Epcot have all been areas where people have felt the urge to cool off and take a dip. These waters are not safe as they haven’t been properly cleaned for human interaction. Anyone found trying to swim around in these areas will be removed from the parks immediately.

2. Fighting

This scenario is another one of those unfortunate scenes. Fighting (physically or verbally) can put others in a very uncomfortable position (especially those with small children). It can become quite frightening, especially at Disney World. Physical aggression is not tolerated at the parks and since it puts others in danger, you will definitely be asked to leave. Excessive use of foul language is also a way to get kicked out of the parks.

1. Spreading Ashes

Unfortunately, it’s happened many times! Many guests have been caught spreading the ashes of loved ones not only around the parks, but in rides too! They believe that spreading the ashes of a family member of friend that was a Disney fanatic at Disney World is the best place for them to ‘lay to rest’. What you may not be aware of is that there is a lot of sweeping that goes on when the parks close, so there is a high probability that the ashes will end up in the trash. Not so special anymore, if you ask me. Anyone caught spreading ashes will be asked to leave immediately.

Source: Disney Fanatic

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