10 Little Known Facts About Maleficent

What do you know about the Legacy of Sleepy Beauty and Maleficent? We all know of the connection between Aurora and Maleficent, our classic protagonist and antagonist. Did you ever wonder how Disney came up with the concept for Maleficent? It was such a different yet acceptable explanation for Maleficent’s character that it made is curious. Luckily, executive producer Don Hahn can enlighten us about this matter.

10 Fun and Little Known Facts about Maleficent from Executive Producer Don Hahn

  1. Maleficent is a creation of Walt Disney that wasn’t in the original fairy tale. Walt worked with Marc Davis who came up with Maleficent.
  2. Angelina wore fake cheek bones to make her look more like Maleficent.
  3. On the last day of filming, Angelina flew straight off to Lebanon for her UN ambassador trip.
  4. The original story had 12 good fairies and 1 bad fairy. Walt got the story and changed it to 3 good fairies and Maleficent.
  5. Maleficent was originally designed with bat wings and scalloped edges.
  6. At the time Walt was creating Maleficent, he was also building Disneyland and working on a separate movie.
  7. Don Hahn was most surprised about the power of cutting off Maleficent’s wings and how getting them back had such an impact on the audience. 
  8. Did you notice a lack of a mother character? There was a reason to that. If Disney had kept a motherly character around, there’d be a benevolent force and a tough emotional connection for Aurora when she came back to the castle. This made it so that she really only had Maleficent to go back to. 
  9. Disney purposely made the fairies “more jokey and fun” per Don Hahn so that they could let Maleficent expand her role as a maternal character.
  10. Little known fact about Maleficent: There was a lot about 2nd chances in this film. The producers talked a lot about leaders like Churchill during the production phase. People can be heroes in one era and lose everything, then come back again heroes in another era. It served as a background to show how Maleficent wasn’t always bad and perhaps, she could become good again.

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