Disney Characters Who Are Bad At Dancing

Disney characters are great at lots of things: being adorable, saving the day, falling in love, the list goes on and on. With all this talent, it pains us to admit that some of them are just not the best dancers. Dancing is a gift, and you either have it or you don’t. These characters do not.

Goofy – A Goofy Movie

He may not be the master of the dancefloor, but he’s still the top dog in our book.

Baloo – The Jungle Book

This move is called “the scratcher.” We’d like to think that it feels good, and judging by Baloo’s face, we think you’ll agree … but isn’t the prettiest dance move in the jungle.

Georges Hautecourt – The Aristocats

He’s DEFINITELY the most adorable little man ever. His jubilant leg kicks are nice, but he could really use a lesson in proper form. (Straighten your back, dude!)

Cogsworth – Beauty and the Beast

We like Cogsworth’s little side-to-side motion (which is a bit meta because he’s a clock).

The Duke of Weselton – Frozen

They don’t call him the “Little Dipper” for nothing.

Mr. Smee – Peter Pan

We’re just gonna focus on the fact that Smee has few pleasures in life, and dancing seems to be one of them. That’s all we’re gonna say.

Lawrence – The Princess and the Frog

It might just be because Lawrence is dancing alongside a true aficionado, but we’ve seen better moves from a dancing hippopotamus (we’re looking at you, Hyacinth Hippo).

Donald Duck – The Three Caballeros

Donald isn’t usually a bad dancer, but in this instance he’s flailing his arms to and fro like a caffeinated mallard—but that’s okay with us. He’s still a winner in our book.

Dopey – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

He’s got a smile on his face and a song in his heart, so we’ll forgive the lackluster dance moves … it must be hard to dance while balancing on top of at least two other dwarfs.

Source: Oh My Disney

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