Top 10 Disney's Best Fight Scenes

What is a Disney adventure without a classic good vs. evil confrontation? Let's see some of the Disney's best fights.

10. The Chinese Recruits vs. Themselves (Mulan)

What can be said? This is a hilarious battle that poor Mulan started that resulted in a big pile up at the end. But it's not a serious battle, nor is it significant to the movie in any way. It's just a fun little fight.

9. The Servants vs. The Townspeople (Beauty and the Beast)

Probably the most comical fight in disney history. Each of the servants releases probably years of pent up rage and gives an ass kicking you WISH you could see your refrigerator deliver. Not only is it a good butt whooping, but it's hilarious too. But people seemed to prefer the more dramatic, serious fights.

8. John Smith vs. Kocoum (Pocahontas)

This is an intense fight,though rather quick. You see a buildup to John Smith & Pocahontas' kiss, then suddenly Kocoum ambushes them and tries to stab John. It's really tense and there's a good, though quick, buildup. Then Thomas shoots Kocoum in the soul, and the fight's basically over. It's a significant point in the movie because instead of their just being tension between the natives and whites, someone important is actually killed, but it's a quick fight nonetheless.

7. Beast vs. the Wolves (Beauty and the Beast)

It's probably my favorite disney fight. It's exciting, terrifying, the buildup is great, and it's emotional too. It shows how immediately Beast falls for Belle to try to protect her, and it also shows that he's not a thoroughly bad guy. It's a big turning point for Belle. But people just found it not a big ending battle and just not too fun because it wasn't two people vs. each other.

6. Beast vs. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)

One of Disney's more unique and realistic fights. Instead of sword swinging, magic spells, or giant monsters (well, okay, besides the Beast), it's just two guys fighting on top of a tower. And hey, you have to admire Gaston's panache to go after a guy who's twice his weight and height, not to mention a wolf/ox/lion hybrid. At least you know he has balls. But I think this is more a contest of emotional strength rather than physical, as in the end, the Beast simply lets Gaston live, and his love for Belle is what helps him battle Gaston, and it finally end up with NEITHER man winning. In fact, both die, though Beast is lucky enough to have Belle's love bring him back.

5. Eric vs. Ursula (Little Mermaid)

One of your more typical heroic battles, and similar to Maleficent vs. Phillip. Evil person transforms into giant being after prince shows up to save princess and defeats an obstacle. But this one is fun because of Ursula's giant size, rather than her just transforming into something else. She's fucking scary! And it's fun to have the princess actually there, rather than locked up in a tower. It also has some cleverness, with Eric figuring out to use the ships mast to stab Ursula. But all in all, it's a fast fight with nothing new to add.

4. Battle on the Mountain Pass (Mulan)

What I love about this battle is that it's a battle of wit rather than a battle of sword. I love how it starts off, with the Huns basically ambushing the Chinese Army (which suddenly dropped to 12 men?) because idiot Mushu blew their cover. The animation in this scene is amazing, especially with the part of the huns riding towards the Chinese Army down the mountain. And everyone's favorite part, of course, is Mulan figuring out to defeat the army by blowing up the cliff of the mountain. That being said, this scene is predictable because it's midway through the movie, and it's not really a big battle.

3. Phillip vs. Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)

This one is significant because it's probably the most famous scene in Sleeping Beauty. Disney received major props for this fight scene, one of the best in it's film history, and really the first major one. It's your typical knight in shining armor scene, where Phillip rides and fights Maleficent. But it's got the extra twist where the fairies are there to help defeat the dragon. But as far as fight scenes go, it's fairly predictable. No twists or turns along the way. Just a lot of sword swinging and a final magical stab at the end, where somehow basically a papercut kills her. But it's still a classic.

2. Aladdin vs. Jafar (Aladdin)

This is probably one of most disney's exciting fights. There's constant action, talking, and hilarity. ("Jafar, Jafar, he's our man, if he can't do it, GREAT!") Not only do you have Aladdin whipping his sword around stabbing Jafar, a giant snake, and Jasmine trapped in an hour glass (pressure, Aladdin!) but you have an ending that doesn't include the villain just easily defeated by the hero. In this, Aladdin tricks Jafar by manipulating him with his own egomania.

1. Battle at the Emperor's palace (Mulan)

While not everyone seemed to love this one best, it was voted the first favorite. It's got exciting sword fights, clever tricks, ("does this dress make me look fat?") and of course, the girl finally defeating the villain. Personally I find the ending a little anticlimactic (there's a big buildup, and then what? he's just defeated by fireworks? lame.) But the (very little) martial arts and sword work was awesome, especially the scene with Mulan tricking Shan-Yu and defeating him with just her fan. Talk about being resourceful.

Source: Fanpop

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