Which Disney Princess Is The Worst?

Ever since Snow White hit the screen in 1937, people have been obsessed with Disney princesses. The character archetype has evolved over the years (Cinderella never would have wielded a bow and arrow like Merida), but our love for these damsels has remained constant. They've been given haircuts, reimagined as velociraptors, and even dropped into the Star Wars universe. Disney princesses are totally the best, right?

Except when they're THE WORST. Let's set aside all our childish adoration for these characters and investigate which of these ladies are actually awesome and which are secretly terrible.

13. Mulan

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Basically, none. Girlfriend is a total badass who led an entire army into battle. She didn’t want to go to a ball or get legs so she could make out with a hot dude. She actively risked her own life to save her country. Honestly, she’s the best.

12. Belle

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Buzzfeed makes a compellingly hilarious argument for why Belle is actually the worst Disney princess, but I don’t really buy it. She betters herself by reading, cares deeply about her father, and makes the most out of a bad situation. Yes, she should not put her finger in shared food, but other than that Belle is pretty great.

11. Tiana

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Tiana never really took off as a Disney “princess,” which is surprising because there’s not a whole lot wrong with her. She works hard to make her dreams come true and maintains a positive attitude in the face of some seriously weird frog stuff.

10. Rapunzel

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Rapunzel is clever, brave, and saucy. Yes, she’s kind of spacey, but her relationship with Flynn is one of the only Disney relationships that feels relatively equal. That said, why didn’t Rapunzel figure out a way to get herself out of the tower with her hair before Flynn showed up? It seems totally doable.

9. Merida

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Merida is childish and careless, and it’s totally her fault that her mother gets turned into a bear. On the plus side, though, she realizes her mistakes and actively works to fix them. Plus, her archery skills are amazing. I’d love to see what Merida is like in her 20s and 30s once she’s come into her own and fully realized her potential.

8. Anna

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Anna is kind of like Rapunzel and Merida for me, in that she’s a doofus, but at least she works hard to solve her own problems. She trusts Hans way too quickly, but in the end she makes up for it with this sweet right hook.

7. Pocahontas

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Pocahontas is super into nature and painting with the colors of the wind, which sounds great on the surface. But have you ever been friends with a super earthy environmentalist? They’re like always making their own deodorant and guilt tripping you about not composting. NO WE DON’T WANT TO GO URBAN FORAGING, POCAHONTAS. Buy your food at the store like a normal person.

6. Elsa

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Yeah yeah, she’s actually a queen. We know. Elsa gets a lot of props for being a progressive female figure for Disney, but let’s be real. She closes herself off from her entire support system because she’s not mature enough to handle her icy business. “Let It Go” = ditch your family and make them risk their lives to come help your selfish ass while you parade around in vampy outfits.

5. Jasmine

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Well, her pet is a dangerous tiger who could kill everyone at a moment’s notice. And she bitches about being a rich princess when the peasants in Agrabah are like stealing bread and then getting their hands chopped off for it. Come on, Jasmine, why don’t you tell your dad — THE SULTAN – to make some societal reforms? In Jasmine’s favor, though, is the fact that she doesn’t take shit from anyone, including the guy she’s crushing on.

4. Cinderella

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Cinderella is kind and hard-working, but she’s also a total pushover. Grow a backbone, girl. And her biggest dream is to attend a ball, where she falls in love at first sight with the most vanilla of guys. Seriously, look at this dude.

Can you even imagine how boring this guy is in bed?

3. Snow White

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Like Cinderella, Snow White isn’t afraid of a little hard work. Or a lot of hard work. Or basically indentured servitude to a bunch of dwarfs. She also eats food given to her by an OBVIOUSLY creepy lady.

2. Aurora, Sleeping Beauty

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: When they rebooted this movie they called it Maleficent, and that’s really all you need to know about how boring Aurora is. She pricks her finger on a spinning wheel like an idiot, then she falls asleep. The end. Bye Felicia.

1. Ariel

Reasons Why She’s the Worst: Of you re-watch the movie as an adult, one thing becomes abundantly clear: Ariel is the freaking worst. She’s spoiled and entitled, she doesn’t listen to her dad (who seems like a perfectly respectable single parent mer-king who just wants the best for his daughters), and she gives up everything unique about herself for a dude she’s never actually met. She’s a dumbass who signs a contract SHE HASN’T READ (come on, girl).

She waits around for Eric to kiss her and break the spell even though she couldn’t have solved her own damn problems by just planting one on him. And she only listens to dumb hanger-ons who know nothing instead of her real friends who are just trying to save her from her own nonsense. Ariel is your worst friend who always bitches about all her problems even though she’s perfectly capable of fixing her life by just changing her own damn behavior.

Source: Zimbio

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