The 5 Most Memorable Disney Pixar Quotes

The animation world has always been a particularly fertile spawning ground for memorable lines of dialogue, and Pixar, being the current rulers of the genre, have certainly churned out their share of indelible quotes over the years. The following stand as the studio’s five most unforgettable lines:

1. "To Infinity and beyond!" ('Toy Story' 1-3)

Out of all the memorable lines within the three Toy Story movies, it’s Buzz Lightyear’s simple (and simply unforgettable) “to infinity and beyond” catchphrase that remains the most famous utterance within the trilogy. And although it’s repeated several times throughout both Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3, the line works best in the original movie the first time it’s spoken by Buzz – as it precedes the now-legendary flight around Andy’s room that instantly transforms him into a superstar among most of the toys. (Woody, however, is less-than-impressed and refers to Buzz’s stunt as “falling with style.”)

2. "No capes!" ('The Incredibles')

With The Incredibles, Brad Bird set out to create an original and exciting superhero tale that also pokes fun at the genre’s various conventions and clichés. This is never more evident than in the character of Edna Mode, as the off-kilter fashion designer, who is actually voiced by Bird himself, refuses to produce a costume for hero Mr. Incredible that contains a cape. As her two-word quote so succinctly implies, Edna has seen far too many superheroes succumb to injury or even death as a result of their capes. (And, of course, Edna’s strict no-capes policy was proved correct after villain Syndrome died as a result of his cape getting caught in a jet’s intake.)

3. "Oh, I'm detecting nuttiness!" ('Ratatouille')

One of the most entertaining aspects to Ratatouille is the relationship between protagonist Remy (Patton Oswalt) and his slightly dim-witted older brother, Emile (Peter Sohn). About halfway through the film, Remy attempts to teach Emile how to enjoy good food by feeding him a hunk of expensive cheese. Remy describes the cheese as boasting a “creamy, salty sweet” quality and also notes that it possesses an “oaky nuttiness,” which, of course, prompts Emile to respond with the hilarious bit of dialogue listed above. (Remy’s work doesn’t go for naught, however, as Emile eventually admits that Remy’s way of looking at food is “interesting.”)

4. "My name is Dug. I have just met you and I love you." ('Up')

Though Up features a number of memorable human characters, the film’s MVP is actually a golden retriever named Dug. Armed with a special collar that allows him to “talk,” Dug steals scenes from his two-legged costars on a frighteningly frequent basis. After introducing himself with a friendly “hi there,” Dug makes his unconditional love for heroes Carl Fredricksen and Russell crystal clear with the above line – which instantly transforms the cuddly character into one of Pixar’s most compelling sidekicks.

5. "I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy."

Speaking of compelling sidekicks, Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) establishes herself as a loyal, faithful, and slightly off-kilter companion to Albert Brooks’ Marlin virtually as soon as she first appears on the scene. The character’s short-term memory loss ensures that she often gets herself into one problem or predicament after another, with the most obvious example of this Dory’s encounter with an offscreen jellyfish. After uttering the line above and even segueing into baby talk, Dory learns a painful lesson about the true nature of jellyfish – which, of course, forces the goofy regal tang to admonish her newfound enemy by exclaiming “Bad Squishy! Bad Squishy!”

Source: About

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