9 Fun Facts About Disney's Maleficent

Following the success of Alice in Wonderland and Oz the Great and Powerful, Disney produced a live-action fairy tale that has gotten critical acclaim, called Maleficent!

It stars Angelina Jolie and explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from Sleeping Beauty!

We’re getting pretty excited, so here are 9 fun facts about Maleficent for you!

  1. Maleficent is based on the Sleeping Beauty fable which is over 400 years old! The early wrritten origins can be traced back to a French novel called Preceforest written in 1527.
  2. In this film Angelina Jolie plays Maleficent, a wicked fairy driven by revenge. But did you know that the villainess in the original fables was a Queen? An author called Charles Perrault changed her to a fairy way back in 1697. He’s also the one who came up with the idea of a Prince whose kiss could break the spell!
  3. The character Maleficent was created by Disney for their 1959 film Sleeping Beauty, a film that took 10 years to make!
  4. To create a fantasy world like the one in Maleficent takes a lot of work! There were about 40 built sets, from a 12-foot square room to the 5,000 square foot Great Hall!
  5. The castle is a real-life version of the castle in the 1959 animated film. It took 14 weeks to build, 250 construction workers and an art department of about 20 people!
  6. It takes a lot of skill and effort to make Angelina Jolie look that evil! The star was in make up for about four hours every morning.
  7. Look out for some fashion ideas in the film! There are more than 2,000 costumes in Maleficent, all created by hand!
  8. Do you know the only bit that you’ll see in every single version of Sleeping Beauty? The spinning wheel! It has been the cause of spell-induced sleep for every princess across the history of Sleeping Beauty!
  9. Sam Riley – who plays the shape-shifting Diaval – spent hours and hours studying the movements of ravens, which included running around a huge room flapping his arms and making cawing noises!

Source: Fun Kids

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