Some Fun Facts About Our Beloved Pocahontas

Indian princess and legend Pocahontas led an interesting life. From a young tomboy who loved to run and shoot arrows to a kidnapped teen who learned a new language and culture to a traveling ambassador who met the English royal family, the biography of Pocahontas is fascinating. Here are 15 interesting facts about the life of Powhatan princess, Pocahontas.

1. Pocahontas was born in Werowocommoco, Virginia, about 20 miles from Jamestown, and home of her father, Powhatan, who was chief of over 30 tribes.

2. Pocahontas’s mother died after she was born and Pocahontas soon became her father’s favorite child. Powhatan had 27 children.

3. Pocahontas’s birthdate is generally believed to be March 21, 1595 but there are 4. some inconsistencies about the year, which may have been between 1590 and 1596.

4. Pocahontas’s Powhatan name was “Matoak,” which means naughty or spoiled. Pocahontas was probably the name used by family and it was common in the culture to keep real names secret for superstitious reasons.

5. Pocahontas was not a princess in the political sense but Captain Ralph Hamor wrote that Pocahontas was her father’s–his “delight and darling.”

6. Pocahontas was around eleven years old when the English settled Jamestown in 1607.

7. Many historians believe that the story of Pocahontas saving John Smith’s life is a myth. Some believe the scene was a ceremony and Smith was never in real danger and others believe Smith may have made up the story. Pocahontas did bring Smith food every few days, which saved many lives, but there is no evidence of a romance.

8. Pocahontas married a warrior, Kocoum, at some time before 1612 but nothing more is known about this marriage.

9. When Pocahontas was seventeen, Captain Samuel Argaill plotted to kidnap her to bribe her father. Argall gave a member of her tribe a copper kettle in exchange for helping them to kidnap Pocahontas.

10. After living in Jamestown, Pocahontas learned to speak English and took the Christian name, Rebecca.

11. Pocahontas married John Rolfe, a tobacco grower.

12. Pocahontas’s son, Thomas Rolfe, became the wealthiest tobacco farmer in Virginia.

13. Pocahontas and her family went to England to share about life in Virginia. Pocahontas was very popular and even met the royal family, Queen Ann and King James.

14. Pocahontas died aboard the ship of tuberculosis before it had even left the English waters for home. She was probably twenty-two years old.

15. The first film made about Pocahontas and John Smith was a silent film and comedy made in 1924.

Source: Egg Van

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