7 Of The Worst Cliches Disney Princes Follow

While the Disney Princes are babes and do have some really great qualities, they also have a lot of bad qualities. Disney just loves to throw cliches and stereotypes into their projects, and the Princes are not exempt from this rule. Check out these bad cliches the Disney Princes follow:

They Think Charm Will Get Them Anywhere

The Disney Princes are too charming for their own good. They all think a little charm and charisma will erase any questionable thing they do. They're suave, but believe it or not, it does take more than a flashy smile and a castle to convince most girls that you're a worthy partner. Really, the only Prince who doesn't try too hard is Beast/Prince Adam. He starts making a real effort after he realizes that Belle might like him for him. Oh, and Shang, because he doesn't see that Mulan is a girl.

They Base Love On Looks

While physical attraction is a big part of life, it's not the only thing that matters. You should, of course, feel attracted to your partner, but the Disney Princes don't care about what's in your brain really. Eric falls in love with Ariel when she literally cannot speak her mind or show any kind of personality because he thinks she's a babe. Prince Phillip falls for Aurora when he sees her in the forest. Prince Florian falls in love with Snow White when he sees her for the first time. Prince Charming spots Cinderella and is all "SHE'S HOT, THAT'S MY WIFE." Aladdin does this to Jasmine and goes as far to create a false identity so she'll like him without knowing anything about her. A game of 20 questions would go a long way, just sayin'.

They Don't Really Have Friends

Why don't the princes have friends? Aladdin's friends are a monkey, a genie, and a flying carpet. Beast/Prince Adam talks to objects, which I suppose is forgiving since they're technically people. Some of the Princes have horses. Other than that, we rarely see any of the Princes interacting with anyone else, which is kind of sketchy.

They're Not Very Bright

Most of our Princes are not the brightest bulbs on the planet. Poor Prince Eric doesn't even recognize Ariel as the girl he saw before. In Mulan, Shang does not pick up on the fact that Mulan was a girl when, honestly, her disguise was not that good. Disney turns Beast into a bumbling idiot just because he's no longer human as if he didn't remember being one in the first place. Prince Charming is so dumb that he doesn't even try to ask Cinderella her name until she has to leave. Let's get some intelligent Princes, shall we?

They Think Girls Need Saving

Some of our Princesses like Belle, Jasmine, Merida, Tiana, and Mulan are very independent and aware of the fact. They don't need a guy to help them, but Disney guys are always all "I'M A MAN I NEED TO HELP YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE A WOMAN!" It's ridiculous. Even Hercules (he's not a Prince, but you get it) asks Meg if she is a damsel in distress. Half the time, our Disney gals end up saving the dudes so this cliche can leave.

They Don't Always Get Consent

I don't know why this is a thing because not having consent isn't funny or charming or cute. Prince Florian kisses Snow White when he thinks she's dead. She clearly can't give consent if she's dead, and Disney's kind of dipping into the whole necrophilia thing here. In Sleeping Beauty, Prince Phillip macks on Aurora when she's basically in a coma, which is not okay. We also have a consent problem in The Little Mermaid during the "Kiss The Girl" scene. The lyrics literally say, "There is one way to ask her/It don't take a word/Not a single word/Go on and kiss the girl." Yeah, sure, don't ask her if it's okay, even though she keeps pulling away from you. Totally fine.

They Have Some Serious Character Issues

Everyone has problems because we're all human, but the Disney Princes all have a serious character flaw that would raise big red flags if they weren't Princes. We push them aside because ~*romance*~. Beast/Prince Adam has literally the worst temper ever. Aladdin is a lying liar. John Smith is part of a group who stole your native land and murdered a bunch of your friends and family. Prince Charming just wants to marry someone and doesn't really care who she is. Even in the more recent films, Flynn Rider is really sweet, but he's a legit criminal.

Source: Gurl

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